About & FAQs
Special Requirements
For all those who may have special requirements and may be seeking help and advice, please visit the Information desk on arrival.
This will be situated on Level - Basement 2 next to the lift.
Registration is available online now. By booking early you won't need to queue to pay, and you will also be helping the event immensely with upfront funding and more manageable administration. On the day, the registration desk is on Level - Basement 2.
Basement 2 Area
The essentials of any AA meeting are found here, along with fellowship, tea and coffee etc..
Registration, raffle tickets, Share magazine, AA & Al-anon literature along with various souvenirs are found here.
Trinity Suite
The Trinity Suite kicks off the weekend at 10am on Saturday morning with the first of 3 fabulous platform meetings with four speakers. We hope to invite a varied and diverse array of speakers, not only from London, but around the UK and beyond. The middle meeting each day includes an Al-Anon speaker.
Sunday morning at 9am we start in the Trinity Suite with a Step 11 platform meeting, followed by 3 further platform meetings as per the published itinerary. Late afternoon rounding off with the “Raffle of Raffles” prize draw and the ever-popular Sobriety Countdown.

The Raffle of Raffles
So called because we believe it’s simply the best, 12 Great Prizes listed, plus a mystery prize. Including the 2 star prizes of weekend stays in top locations. All proceeds help the convention so please be generous, buy loads of tickets! If you or your group would like to finance a prize, please do get in touch londonaaconvention@gmail.com
Come & Go meetings
Come & Go meetings on both Saturday and Sunday from 10am until midnight. Sydney room for topic meetings and the Prescot Room for Step meetings. On the Friday evening the Discovery room will be open from 8pm to midnight. Please see the published itinerary for full details.
Friday Evening (2nd May)
On Friday evening The Discovery and Britannia rooms on the 12th floor of the tower hotel will both be open throughout the evening. Please see the itinerary for times and topics.
Evening Entertainment
Both Saturday and Sunday evening are party nights (remember Monday is a bank holiday)
As last year, Saturday is disco night until late. On Sunday its open mic night.... so bring your own talent! We'll provide the necessary for "Karaoke" but if you have a particular talent, play an instrument, tell a joke, read a poem, juggling, or perhaps you're a fire breathing dragon, we would love you to do a turn. Please rock up and entertain us all. AA meetings continue throughout the evening to drop in and out of.
Admission is Free after 6pm on Saturday and after 4pm on Sunday
Al-Anon and Alateen
A variety of Al-Anon meetings will be held over the weekend in the Prescot room.
Alateen meetings and workshops to be confirmed. Timetable for Alateen meetings will be available at the Al-Anon literature table located outside the Tower Suite.
Where is it?
All this at The Tower Hotel, London, E1W 1LD and The Leonardo Royal Hotel (Tower Bridge) E1 8GP, in the heart of one of the greatest cities in the world. Step outside into London’s history, beauty and sheer magnificence of the River Thames, the Tower of London and St Katharine Docks. Take a cruise on a river boat or a moonlit walk along the South Bank.
Book now!
You too can volunteer to do service at the convention; when you have booked your ticket you will have the opportunity to volunteer.
Do I have to pay for registration if I have been invited to speak?
Yes, everybody who attends the event has to pay. This includes members doing service at the convention and includes speakers. As stated in Tradition 7, we are fully self-supporting through our own contributions and like any AA group, the London Convention must cover its financial obligations.
Do I have to pay for registration if I am a newcomer, unemployed or can’t afford the fee?
Yes, although as with any self-supporting AA meeting you can be sponsored. At our inaugural convention in 2022 several tickets were donated to newcomers in some cases by sponsors, and in some cases by members who couldn’t make the convention and kindly gifted their tickets on the door.
Do I have to pay for registration if I am a member of Al-Anon?
Yes. In keeping with established criteria, AA are paying for all the facilities which are also being used by Al-Anon for their participation. The registration fees generate income to pay for these costs.
Do I have to pay for registration if I am a member of Alateen?
No. Under Tradition 4, the London Convention committee has decided that Alateens and accompanied minors may attend free of charge. Pre-registration is not necessary.
Can I get a refund if I can’t attend?
We will refund any tickets in full prior to the convention if you are unable to attend. However, please bear in mind that electronic transaction fees are not always reversed so refunded tickets actually cost the convention money.
You can of course gift your ticket to a newcomer on the door instead. The registration desk will allocate these appropriately, or you can give your registration to someone you know, a sponsee perhaps. If this is the case please email us to let us know what you would like to do.
For Tower Hotel room bookings, the hotel only charge your card when you check out of the hotel, but you can cancel your booking up to one week before the convention by arrangement without penalty.
Will there be Tradition 7 buckets at the event?
There will be a single bucket near the registration desk for those who wish to make any Tradition 7 donations, although the Convention itself is paid for through the registration fees and any surplus will ultimately find its way through the usual channels as Tradition 7 contributions as well.
Is tea and coffee free?
Unfortunately not. Following negotiations with our hosts, their staff will be providing refreshments. The final scope and cost per item will be known nearer to the date of the convention, but we managed to negotiate a very reasonable price for 2023.
Can I change my sitting preference for the buffet dinner?
We have requested sitting preferences upon booking in order to manage the allocation of seating. You will have the opportunity to change your sitting. In 2023 the early sitting was more popular and sold some time before the event, so please bear this in mind when making your selection.
What alternative arrangements are available for food in the area?
St Katherine Docks is full of an eclectic mix of restaurants, but booking in advance is advisable because they get very busy during the tourist season and especially at bank holidays.
There is also a Tesco Express supermarket located adjacent to the hotel.
Is there parking at the venue?
There is paid parking at the hotel for guests at The Tower Hotel, but the nearest public car park is less than a five minute walk away in Shorter Street, E1 8LP. https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/parking/car-parks/minories-car-park (NCP - open 24 hrs)
How can I become a member of the London Convention committee?
The convention committee reports directly to both London Regions. They in their turn announce any vacant service positions via the London Intergroups and their groups in turn. Service rotation and service sponsorship follows established AA procedures.
My question is not in the FAQ. How can I get in touch?
Please follow the link https://londonaaconvention.com/index.php/contact-us/ to reach us. We aim to respond within 48 hours.
First Floor meeting spaces (to be confirmed)
These rooms aim to provide space for varied group meetings, workshops, one off themed AA meetings, popular lead meditation sessions, and there are also opportunities to meet and chat with trustees of our fellowship. There is even a late “Night Owls” meeting for insomniacs and friends. Again please check out the full itinerary.